Totanhan Nakaha Lodge #16
Honoring the best of Northern Star Scouting for over 100 years
Totanhan Nakaha Lodge #16
Honoring the best of Northern Star Scouting for over 100 years
2024 - A year in Review
51 Views as of 2025-02-22
By Keane Pfeiffer, Lodge Secretary of Fellowship
Chapter I (Pig’s Eye)
Troop 9025
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Officer Elections
February 22, 2025 (Updated February 24, 2025)
Would you like to help make a difference in the Order of the Arrow and Scouting by becoming an officer in the lodge, constellation or chapter?
As our lodge begins our second 100 years there are some amazing opportunities for you in our lodge. Have you considered running for an officer position or applying to be a secretary in the lodge or your chapter? There are varying positions in which youth can grow as leaders from an elected officer or appointed secretary within the OA.
The lodge / chapter chief and lodge / chapter vice chief along with secretaries for communications, finance, fellowship, membership, training and service program plan and execute the mission of the lodge.
- Lodge / Chapter Chief - In charge of the lodge or chapter
- Lodge / Chapter Vice Chief - Assists the lodge chief or chapter chief
- Secretary of Communications - Creating newsletter, emails and social media posts to communicate to the lodge or chapter.
- Secretary of Finance - Taking care of the lodge or chapter finances and, for the lodge, running the lodge trading post
- Secretary of Fellowship - Planning events and activities for the lodge or chapter
- Secretary of Membership - Working on unit elections and communication with units or chapter
- Secretary of Training - Planning and running lodge or chapter trainings
- Secretary of Service - Planning and running lodge or chapter service opportunities
All lodge youth are eligible to run for office, however individuals may only run for chapter or constellation office in the chapter and constellation they are registered in. Before running, prospective candidates must fill out the following letter of intent (below), and email a scanned copy to the Lodge Staff Adviser by March 31, 2025 . More details on the application and campaign process is included in the below documents.
Elections for lodge officers begin April 15, 2025 through May 11, 2025. Elections for chapter officers take place at the spring conclaves.
For more information, see "Our Lodge -> Officer Elections"
Title: | Officer Elections |
Category: | Home Page |
Posted: | February 22, 2025 |
Modified: | February 24, 2025 |
Sequence: | 5 |
Induction Conclaves
February 11, 2025 (Updated February 24, 2025)
Each spring and fall the lodge hosts 4 induction conclaves to welcome new members to the Order of the Arrow. These conclaves are focused on welcoming OA members elected from last fall to the spring of this year. Newly elected candidates whose units have announced the election results will receive an invitation to attend a conclave in the US Mail. If the unit has not announced the election results by April 1st, the candidates will not receive an invitation till after Summer Camp.
We also encourage all current OA members to attend a conclave every year as well. You may attend any weekend that works for your schedule.
In addition, all spring conclaves are also hosting Brotherhood ceremonies for current Ordeal members. See below for more information.
To register for the spring conclaves, click on the button below.
To register, you will need your current BSA Member number. If you do know know you number, you may be able to find it by using this lookup utility.
For more information on conclaves in general, click here
Conclave Dates for 2025 are:
Month | Dates | Constellation/ District | Camp |
April | 25-27 | EFG | Kiwanis |
April | 25-27 | HIKL | Fred C Andersen |
May | 9-11 | JMQ | Stearns |
May | 9-11 | NOP | Phillippo |
Sept | 12-14 | NOP | Phillippo |
Sept | 19-21 | HIKL | Rum River |
Sept | 26-28 | JMQ | Stearns |
Oct | 3-5 | EFG | Fred C Andersen |
Brotherhood Ceremonies
Now is your opportunity to become an Order of the Arrow Brotherhood Member. If you have been an Ordeal member for at least 6 months it is time to seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow by becoming a Brotherhood Member.

What is Brotherhood?
Brotherhood membership completes the induction process. Before becoming Brotherhood, each Arrowman makes a special effort to serve his unit and commits to even more service through the Order. Brotherhood is when you are ready for more. When you have learned about the high ideals of the Order and made them part of your life, you may become a Brotherhood member.
Why should I become a Brotherhood member?
Your fellow Scouts elected you to the Order of the Arrow for your camping ability and Scouting spirit. Your Ordeal membership is a time when you can reflect on the experience of the Ordeal, get to know what the OA is about, and decide to accept additional obligations. Brotherhood members are those who seal their membership in the Order by pledging their service.
Title: | Induction Conclaves |
Category: | Home Page |
Posted: | February 11, 2025 |
Modified: | February 24, 2025 |
Sequence: | 20 |
National Leadership Seminar and Developing Youth Leaders Conference
January 15, 2025
Totanhan Nakaha Lodge is hosting NLS and DYLC here in the Twin Cities at Basecamp. This is a National Order of the Arrow Training available to every OA Member, and one many other OA Members travel across the country for. It is a training we highly encourage our OA Youth and Adults to attend. NLS is for both Youth and Adults. DYLC is for Adults.
This training is at Basecamp where all meals are provided and accommodation is in hotels close to Basecamp. There is transportation between the Hotels and Basecamp.
What is NLS/DYLC?
National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend training program focusing on leadership development. Run by the Region Chief and their Advisers, it provides an in-depth look at leadership skills and techniques. NLS discusses how these skills can be applied in your role in the OA and in other aspects of your life. The National Leadership Seminar is a weekend conference on the skills and attributes of leadership.
The Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC) focuses on the tools every adult needs to mentor and develop our outstanding youth leaders. It is built on the concepts our members learn at the National Leadership Seminar, and it uses the NLS terminology as participants learn new tools and techniques of how to mentor and develop our outstanding youth leaders.

How to Register for NLS or DYLC
- First, Register in NOARER : Login using your BSA / Member ID.
- Input your personal, emergency contact, and Scouting information. Proceed to checkout and register. An email is then sent to the Lodge for approval.
- The lodge emails a registration link to register and pay $ for NLS/DYLC. This must be completed in full to be registered.
You need to register in both places to be registered for the event. This is a National Training so OA Members Nationwide are also registering.
This is highly recommended Leadership Training!
Cost :
Youth (Under 21) : The cost for NLS/DYLC is $290. But, for Totanhan Nakaha Youth (under 21), the cost is only $50. Our lodge deems this training so important that it is picking up the majority of the cost.
Adults : (21 and above) : Cost of $290, unless you have a financial need then please contact the lodge.
Title: | National Leadership Seminar and Developing Youth Leaders Conference |
Category: | Home Page |
Posted: | January 15, 2025 |
Modified: | January 15, 2025 |
Sequence: | 40 |
Check out our current MooseTracks newsletter
June 25, 2024 (Updated December 10, 2024)
The December 2024 version of the Lodge Newsletter, MooseTracks, is now available.
Check out what is new, what is currently happening in the lodge and some of the fun events that we have had in the past and plan for the future.
Click the button below to read the December 2024 issue.
Title: | Check out our current MooseTracks newsletter |
Category: | Home Page |
Posted: | June 25, 2024 |
Modified: | December 10, 2024 |
Sequence: | 60 |
OA Membershp Cards
September 24, 2024
Use the "Print Membership Card" button below and enter your BSA ID and Unit number. A membership card is generated with your personal OA information. On the back side of the card is your BSA ID and dates your received your Ordeal, Brotherhood and Vigil Honors. Click on the membership card to print or download the image.
Title: | OA Membershp Cards |
Category: | Home Page |
Posted: | September 24, 2024 |
Modified: | September 24, 2024 |
Sequence: | 95 |
Rate our site!
September 24, 2024
How are you liking our Totanhan Nakaha Lodge website? Can you find what you need to find? Are you lost on the front page?
Give us your website feedback through the link below. Thank you!
Title: | Rate our site! |
Category: | Home Page |
Posted: | September 24, 2024 |
Modified: | September 24, 2024 |
Sequence: | 96 |
Follow Us!

Your 2024-2025 Lodge Officers:

Lodge Chief
Thomas H.
Lodge Vice-Chief
Tyler S.
Lodge Sec. of Communications
Grace J.
Lodge Secretary of Membership
Will C.
Lodge Secretary of Fellowship
Keane P.
Lodge Secretary of Finance
Oliver J.
Lodge Secretary of Service
Lodge Secretary of Training
Zach T.
Working Group Chairs
Conclaves: Oliver J
Safety: Ella J.
Roles and Positions: Hannah M.