Our Song and Obligation
Every OA meeting starts with the Obligation and ends with the song.
These two traditions remind us we have a dedication to help others and that we are part of a larger brotherhood of scouting.
Order of the Arrow song
Firm Bound in Brotherhood

Not sure of the tune of the song?
Play it below and follow along with the words above.
Click Here to play
Or listen to thousands of OA members sing at NOAC 2015 below.
Order of the Arrow Obligation
I do hereby promise on my honor as a Scout, that I will always and faithfully observe and preserve the traditions of the Order of the Arrow, Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui.
I will always regard the ties of Brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow as lasting, and will seek to preserve a Cheerful spirit, even in the midst of irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities, and will endeavor, so far as in my power lies, to be unselfish in Service and devotion to the welfare of others.
It is not known when the first WWW Obligation was used. Because it is part of the First Degree/Honor ritual it is believed that it likely was used in some form as early as 1916. The first known version of the Obligation dates to 1921.
Various forms of the obligations existed through the 105 year history of the Order of the Arrow. The last change to the obligation came in 1999 when the obligators name was removed (the person saying the obligation).
For a complete history of the obligation, click here.