You should be proud to wear your OA sash – you completed your ordeal and are now a member of a century-old organization. However, the sash is not for every Scouting event. You should wear your sash only when:
- Representing the OA at a non-OA event. For example: An OA Unit Representative wearing her sash when presenting about the lodge events at her unit’s Court of Honor.
- Attending an OA event. For example: An Arrowman wearing his sash when he goes to a chapter meeting.
- Conducting unit elections. For example, a unit elections team member wearing their sash when they go to a unit and conduct an election.
- When otherwise approved by a youth officer of the OA. For example: Arrowmen working on a general Scouting service project are asked by their Lodge Chief to wear their sashes to identify themselves to non-Arrowmen.
Refer to pages 57-58 of the Order of the Arrow Handbook (#34996)
The BSA Insignia Guide says that a Scout should never wear both his merit badge sash and his OA sash. Wear one or the other.