Our Lodge

Lodge Chief
Thomas H.

Finishing up our 100th year as a Lodge, I really wanted to help make a difference in the lives of our members. Scouting is a really amazing program, and the Order of the Arrow even more so. Over the next year I will be operating under the assumption that fellowship drives membership, and membership drives service. I plan to continue to work on our OA Camp Chief program, our OA service corps, having more fellowship events, and making our 100th year as amazing as I know it can be!

Lodge Vice Chief
Tyler S.

This next year, I want to help our lodge succeed in everything we do. This year we should continue with the idea of “where there is scouting, there is OA” by expanding our OA Service Corps and University of Scouting training. I also want to make sure that our transfer from the constellation conclave model to the camp based conclave model is a smooth transition, and one that allows us to run successful inductions while still providing meaningful service to the camps. I’m excited to see what we’re going to accomplish together this year!

Secretary of Communications
Grace J.

During this year, I would like to focus on improving the communication in our lodge even more. Communication is something that has been slowly improving over the past years in our lodge and I would like to work to continue that improvement. As the Secretary of Communications, I want to focus on sending out more moose tracks, keeping our socials up to date, making sure everyone continues getting emails about upcoming events, and so much more! I believe that the Order of the Arrow is a place to grow and expand in many ways like our duty to others. I am very excited for this term and look forward to the years to come!

Secretary of Fellowship
Keane P.

As secretary of Fellowship, or as I like to call it, secretary of Fun, I would like to have just that, a whole lot of fun! For all the service we do, we deserve some time to just hang out and chill, so my goal is to coordinate some of the funnest events Scouts BSA has to offer, and put the cheerful in cheerful service. A bit about me: I’m 16 years old with a passion for Lord of The Rings and engineering, along with video games, Star Wars, and math(I know, unpopular opinion). It’s gonna be a great year!

Secretary of Finance
Oliver J.

As Secretary of Finance, I look forward to working on the budget and out fitting the lodge trading post. I want to continue to make sure the OA is affordable and of great value to all of the members from the experience they have. To how much they have to spend to go to these great adventures that our lodge has to offer and much more!

Secretary of Membership
Will C.

During this next year, I would love to see our membership grow, of course! I think that our lodge needs, deserves and should have a healthy stream of new candidates and brotherhood members to commemorate our centennial year. It’ll be a very special year for our lodge, and I hope to have a whole bunch of new friends circling our council fire!

Secretary of Training
Zachary T.

What I’m looking to do with my position this year is to help the Lodge expand its ability through more effective training events. I’d like to run a successful LLD and Officer Onboarding, as well as improve our program at University of Scouting. Alongside that, I want to leave behind a solid blueprint for the position so the next arrowman to hold it has a set idea of their role in the Lodge. I’m excited to work with all of you over this upcoming year!

Secretary of Service

Service is something that I hold near and dear to my heart and soul. In fact, it is one of my favorite things about the OA. It continues to amaze and impress me, how much our lodge is able to do and on such large scales for our communities. 

As the first ever Secretary of Service for Totanhan Nakaha lodge, I view it not only as my goal, but as my duty as an Arrowmen to help keep the lodge’s operations in service consistent, running smoothly, and constantly growing. It is my vision to help expand upon our many various projects and introduce a couple new ones to help effectively reach the true ideals of the OA. 

My ultimate goal is to help keep the spirit of cheerful service not only alive, but ever growing throughout our lodge. 

As Lord Baden-Powell once said, “Leave this world a little better than you found it” 

Working Group Chairs

Ella J.

Oliver J.

Conclaves are a very important part of our lodge as it is the process of inducting new members and creating an experience to grow our lodge. As Conclave Chair I want to create consistent shared experiences throughout our lodge that create bonding memories from all conclaves. Through this our lodge can grow closer together as we work together to create these events possible

Roles and Responsibilities
Hannah M.

This year I am the chair for the roles and responsibilities working group. I will be working with current and past officers to revise current role description documents to accurately reflect the responsibilities of the positions. We will also be developing role descriptions for the chapters so that everyone has a clear understanding of what the roles are and to help add consistency across the Lodge. I am thankful for the opportunity to lead this working group to benefit leaders across the lodge.

Lodge Executive Committee (LEC)

This button is a link to #LodgeStructure in this page

The table below is maintained using an “Advanced Data Table”

This button is a hyperlink to the https://tnl-oa.org/contactlist page

The table below is maintained using an “Advanced Data Table”

Current Subcommittees of the LEC

Sub-Committee Name

Youth Chair

Adult Adviser (Click to email)




Strategic Pilots and Planning


Jim Letourneau


Ella J.

Tracy Nielbolte


Oliver J.

Roles and Responsibilities

Hannah M.

Officers (Youth 11-20)

Advisers (Adults - Click to email)

Lodge Chief - Thomas H.

Lodge Adviser - Stuart Smith

Lodge Vice-Chief - Tyler S.

Associate Lodge Adviser - Joe Jansen

Lodge Secretary of Communications - Grace J.

Communications Adviser - Vicki Jurek

Lodge Secretary of Finance - Oliver J.

Finance Adviser - Doug Farmer

Lodge Secretary of Membership - Will C.

Membership Adviser - Paul Bartyzal

Lodge Secretary of Training - Zach T.

Training Adviser - Wendy Marik

Lodge Secretary of Service - JJ W.

Service Adviser - Bruce Paulson

Lodge Secretary of Fellowship - Keane P.

Program Adviser - Vacant

Northeast (EFG) Constellation Chief - Carter B.

Northeast (EFG) Constellation Adviser - Rob Flickinger

Central (HIKL) Constellation Chief - Vacant

Central (HIKL) Constellation Adviser - Karen Rafter

West (JMQ) Constellation Chief - Vacant

West (JMQ) Constellation Adviser - Jeff Jurek

South (NOP) Constellation Chief - Andrew C.

South (NOP) Constellation Adviser - Craig Turner

Chapter E Chief - Alexander K

Chapter E Adviser - Kevin Trandum

Chapter F Chief - Nick Z.

Chapter F Adviser - Layne Lodmell

Chapter G Chief - Gabriel K.

Chapter G Adviser - William Armstrong

Chapter H Chief - Zachary M.

Chapter H Adviser - Brad Medved

Chapter I Chief - Keane P.

Chapter I Adviser - Jerald Dosch

Chapter J Chief - Matthew W.

Chapter J Adviser - Vacant

Chapter K Chief - Nicolas W.

Chapter K Co-Advisers - Jason Klema and

Joe Wilde

Chapter L Chief - Alex C.

Chapter L Adviser - Lee Steffens

Chapter M Chief - Hannah H.

Chapter M Adviser -Roger Thyen

Chapter N Chief - Zachary T.

Chapter N Adviser - Brian Pfeiffer

Chapter O Chief - Kathryn H.

Chapter O Adviser - Kay Stewart

Chapter P Chief - Vacant

Chapter P Co-Advisers - Doug Juenemann and Mike Whitsett

Chapter Q Chief - Vacant

Chapter Q Adviser - Dorian Gatchell

LEC Minutes

Accordion allows starts with current year open and then closes it as a different one is opened.

Each accordion is linked to Lodge Public Drive / LEC / Minutes / [year]

The source of eash  accordion item is an iframe. Use this code:

        <iframe src=”https://drive.google.com/embeddedfolderview?id=xxxxxx#list” width=”800″ height=”450″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

where xxxx is the folder ID from the “Get Link” command in Google Workspace

Lodge Rules and procedures

IN spring of 2020, the lodge adopted a new set of rules, bylaws, policies and procedures to align with the Northern Star Scouting Units First objective.

Use the following links to access the current information.

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…2020 Lodge Rules (Units First Version) Ratified.pdf

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…New Units First Structure
….UNITS FIRST Totanhan Nakaha SAP (Cabinet Selection).pdf

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…New Units First Structure
….UNITS FIRST Totanhan Nakaha LION.pdf

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…New Units First Structure
….UNITS FIRST Totanhan Nakaha LEAD (Position Descriptions).pdf

Lodge Structure

This button is a link to #LECMembers in this page

Note:  This is a non published text element, only included here for development reference purposes. (See Advanced – Responsive)

Notes on updating the lodge organization chart.

  • To make updates to the lodge organization chart, open the file in G Suite called

                         WebMaster – Private → Data For Website → Lodge Org Chart.gsheet

  • Make any changes to the data in columns A, B, and C
  • The Org Chart should update automatically.
  • The Org Chart is shared to the web site using an iFrame.
  • All updates are automatically reflected in the web page

The org chart is displayed using the Advanced iFrame Pro plugin. For documentation on the options, see “Documentation for Advanced iFrame Pro.pdf” in the “WebMaster – Private –> Web Site Development Notes” folder in gSuite

To make changes, update the Google Spreadsheet WebMaster – Private -> Data For Website -> Lodge Org Chart in Google Drive