Current Newsletter

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”Latest Monthly Update.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=1050 style=”embed”]

Past Newsletters

Since 2013, the Moose Tracks has been the semi-regular newsletter for Totanhan Nakaha Lodge.  Though we do not often print copies anymore, it is formatted to be printed, and has both news of upcoming events and reflections on prior events.  It is currently published quarterly alongside the Northern Star Navigator, replacing the Monthly Update on February 1st, May 1st, August 1st, and November 1st.

Youth are encouraged to contribute articles to the communications team.

Since 2020, the Monthly Update is a monthly email newsletter with details on upcoming events, and common-interest articles from lodge youth.  It is published on the first of every month, except for months with a Moose Tracks published (Februrary, May, August, and November).  Youth are encouraged to contribute articles to the communications team.