Expense Reimbursement Request

Use this Google Form to request an expense reimbursement from Totanhan Nakaha Lodge.

Please allow 2 weeks for processing. A check will be mailed to the address entered on the form.

Receipts must be uploaded with the reimbursement and must CLEARLY show the amount requested for reimbursement.

This is a Google form. In order to upload receipts, you must be logged in to a Gmail account. This can be a personal Gmail account or one that the lodge provides (i.e. xxxxx@oa.nsbsa.org).

Google limits uploads to logged in users to prevent spammers and bots from uploading junk files to the Google account.

Notes on using the Reimbursement Request Google Form

  • A maximum of 10 receipts may be entered on one request.
  • Use multiple requests if the receipts are for different accounting codes (Conclaves vs Fellowship vs Chapter Events etc.)
  • Receipts are not sent to the staff adviser until the “Submit” button is pressed.
  • After submitting the request, it may take a minute or two for Google to upload the files. Please be patient. Do not press the Submit button again.
  • An Email is sent to staff.adviser@oa.nsbsa.org with the details of the request.
  • A confirmation Email is sent to the requestor.
  • The form asks for an accounting vendor number. This is an optional field. If you have previously submitted a reimbursement request, you have been assigned a vendor number. You can see this number on the check stub. If you leave this field black, an attempt is made to find the vendor number using your name. If found, it shows on the confirmation email. If not found, accounting will look up the number.
  • To try to keep bots from spamming our web site with bogus reimbursement requests, the following measures are in place:
    • Google requires anyone uploading files via Google Forms to have a valid Gmail account. This is not optional. It is a Google mandated requirement. The Gmail account can be a personal account, it does not need to be a Lodge Gmail account.
    • The form asks for your BSA ID. This is used to verify you are a current dues paid member. This helps the staff adviser determine if the request may be a spam request.

    This Google form helps the Staff Adviser and Finance Adviser track and process reimbursement requests efficiently. Any requests that are sent directly to the staff adviser may be denied and the requester asked to use the Google form.