Our Lodge

Lodge Chief - Forrest O.

There are 3 big reasons I took on the position of lodge chief. 1. I wanted to fill up the lodge calendar. There is a ton of opportunities for OA events throughout the year and I want to give all arrowmen a ton of events they can attend. 2. I wanted to make conclaves as polished as possible. You should be able to go to any conclave and get the same great experience. 3. I love the OA, going to OA events makes me super happy and I want to go to as many as I can.

Lodge Vice Chief - Thomas H.

Going into our 100th year as a Lodge, I really wanted to help make a difference in the lives of our members. Scouting is a really amazing program, and the Order of the Arrow even more so. Over the next year I plan on reforming the unit elections process, helping with the creation of a service corps for our lodge, and making our 100th year as amazing as I know it can be. From the past, I await a new beginning.

Lodge Secretary of Communications -
Riley S.

I accepted this position because I wanted to understand how communication works in our lodge and the Order of the Arrow in general and see what I can do to make communication better for the present and the future. Some goals I have are to get every OA Member in our lodge access to communication sent out by OA officers, to accommodate all sorts of online communication while keeping them active, and to train our officers on how to use the communication tools we have available as well as how to effectively get their messages across in any form of communication as we prepare for our Lodge’s Centennial. Looking forward to an amazing year.

Lodge Secretary of Program -
Pascal C.

My name is Pascal Carr, and I am from chapter L. I accepted this position as a Lodge Secretary because I would like to take further steps in leadership, and grow through the new experiences. My primary goal for this year is to help with planning for events for the Centennial celebration next year. I am excited to work with the other youth planning it.

Lodge Secretary of Finance-
Oliver J.

My name is Oliver Jurek, and I am from Chapter M. I accepted the position of Lodge Secretary of Finance because I wanted to grow in myself personally but to also help the lodge and share my excitement for OA. My goals for this year are to help the lodge financially, see how the lodge operates and learn about managing the lodge’s budget and trading post.

I am also working on the Centennial Committee as Memorabilia Chair. This will give me the opportunity to not only be creative but help plan a large event.

I enjoy being a part of the OA and going to many events, as it gives me so many opportunities to meet other OA members and share my excitement for OA. I am excited to see the lodge grow over the next year.

Lodge Secretary of Membership - Hannah M.

I accepted this position because I wanted to help reshape the way that unit elections were being conducted to better prepare chapters to serve their units. One of my goals for the year is to move away from just elections to unit visitations. This change will expand the length of time that the OA chapter members are visiting a unit and allow them to share all about the Order of the Arrow and what it has to offer.

I am also proud to be the NOAC youth chair.

For 2024 information about NOAC and how to sign up on the events page.


Lodge Executive Committee (LEC)

This button is a link to #LodgeStructure in this page

The table below is maintained using an “Advanced Data Table”

Officers (Youth 11-20)

Advisers (Adults - Click to email)

Lodge Chief - Forrest O.

Lodge Adviser - Stuart Smith

Lodge Vice-Chief - Thomas H.

Associate Lodge Adviser - Joe Jansen

Lodge Secretary of Communciations - Riley S.

Lodge Communications Adviser - Vicki Jurek

Lodge Secretary of Finance - Oliver J.

Lodge Finance Adviser - Doug Farmer

Lodge Secretary of Membership - Hannah M

Lodge Membership Adviser - Paul Bartyzal

Lodge Secretary of Program - Pascal C.

Lodge Program Adviser - Craig Turner

Northeast (EFG) Constellation Chief - Carter B.

Northeast (EFG) Constellation Adviser - Rob Flickinger

Central (HIKL) Constellation Chief - Pascal C.

Central (HIKL) Constellation Adviser - Karen Rafter

West (JMQ) Constellation Chief - JJ W.

West (JMQ) Constellation Adviser - Jeff Jurek

South (NOP) Constellation Chief - Kyle M.

South (NOP) Constellation Adviser - Craig Turner

Chapter E Chief - Alexander K.

Chapter E Adviser - Kevin Trandum

Chapter F Chief - Quinn F.

Chapter F Adviser - Layne Lodmell

Chapter G Chief - August R.

Chapter G Adviser - Ramu Srinivasan

Chapter H Chief - Sterling H.

Chapter H Adviser - Jim Letourneau

Chapter I Chief - Lucy D.

Chapter I Adviser - Jerald Dosch

Chapter J Chief - Henry L.

Chapter J Adviser - Gene Kimball

Chapter K Chief - Nicolas W.

Chapter K Adviser - Lars Pekay

Chapter L Chief - Andrew R.

Chapter L Adviser - Lee Steffens

Chapter M Chief - Cooper S.

Chapter M Adviser -Roger Thyen

Chapter N Chief - Andrew C.

Chapter N Adviser - Brian Pfeiffer

Chapter O Chief - Kathryn H.

Chapter O Adviser - Kay Stewart

Chapter P Chief - Connor T.

Chapter P Co-Advisers - Doug Juenemann and Mike Whitsett

Chapter Q Chief - Vacant

Chapter Q Adviser - Dorian Gatchell

This button is a hyperlink to the https://tnl-oa.org/contactlist page

Current Subcommittees of the LEC

Sub-Committee Name

Youth Chair

Adult Adviser (Click to email)

Centennial Celebration

Ben B.

Joe Glenski




Strategic Pilots and Planning


Jim Letourneau



Wendy Marik

LEC Minutes

Accordion allows starts with current year open and then closes it as a different one is opened.

Each accordion is linked to Lodge Public Drive / LEC / Minutes / [year]

The source of eash  accordion item is an iframe. Use this code:

        <iframe src=”https://drive.google.com/embeddedfolderview?id=xxxxxx#list” width=”800″ height=”450″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

where xxxx is the folder ID from the “Get Link” command in Google Workspace

Lodge Rules and procedures

IN spring of 2020, the lodge adopted a new set of rules, bylaws, policies and procedures to align with the Northern Star Scouting Units First objective.

Use the following links to access the current information.

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…2020 Lodge Rules (Units First Version) Ratified.pdf

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…New Units First Structure
….UNITS FIRST Totanhan Nakaha SAP (Cabinet Selection).pdf

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…New Units First Structure
….UNITS FIRST Totanhan Nakaha LION.pdf

Source File
.Lodge Public
..Policies, Procedures, Duties and Goals
…New Units First Structure
….UNITS FIRST Totanhan Nakaha LEAD (Position Descriptions).pdf

Lodge Structure

This button is a link to #LECMembers in this page

Note:  This is a non published text element, only included here for development reference purposes. (See Advanced – Responsive)

Notes on updating the lodge organization chart.

  • To make updates to the lodge organization chart, open the file in G Suite called

                         WebMaster – Private → Data For Website → Lodge Org Chart.gsheet

  • Make any changes to the data in columns A, B, and C
  • The Org Chart should update automatically.
  • The Org Chart is shared to the web site using an iFrame.
  • All updates are automatically reflected in the web page

The org chart is displayed using the Advanced iFrame Pro plugin. For documentation on the options, see “Documentation for Advanced iFrame Pro.pdf” in the “WebMaster – Private –> Web Site Development Notes” folder in gSuite

To make changes, update the Google Spreadsheet WebMaster – Private -> Data For Website -> Lodge Org Chart in Google Drive

[advanced_iframe securitykey=”your key” use_shortcode_attributes_only=”true” src=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSUwh4omVQVBvjf5rcuGQ7FfAhDxl70JsyPKfZd1j_V4LMErNU1Nr3FJeOijtMeqtsdDrPqqgYUwA14/pubchart?oid=806543548&format=interactive” id=”advanced_iframe_35″ height=”900″ width=1500 auto_zoom=”same” enable_responsive_iframe=”true” auto_zoom_by_ratio=”2.0|1000″  scrolling=”yes”]