Induction Conclave weekend

Welcome new candidates!

You were chosen and elected by peers within your unit not for what you have done, but for what you are expected to do in the future in service to the welfare of others. You were chosen because your fellow Scouts saw in you an acceptance and adoption of the ideals of Scouting outlined in the Scout Oath and Law.

Induction into the Order of the Arrow and the associated membership allows a new member to attend Chapter, Lodge, Sectional, Regional, and National events hosted by the group for members of the Order of the Arrow. Additionally, the Order of the Arrow organization provides leadership training and service opportunities at all levels in the Boy Scouts of America to build upon the experiences and knowledge you have already worked so hard to achieve. We hope that you take what you learn back to your unit as the first obligation of a member of the Order of the Arrow is to support their unit.

Induction into the Order of the Arrow requires that you attend what is known as an “Ordeal” weekend where both Ordeal candidates and active members camp out and cheerfully participate in service projects. The Ordeal experience is unlike any other you will ever experience. You should be prepared to spend a night sleeping under the stars. The next day you will work on a number of service projects. Following the service projects, you will participate in a ceremony inducting you into the Order of the Arrow.

See below for more details.

Registration Information

Use the button below to register for upcoming Induction Conclave Weekends.

Each Scout and Scouter is responsible for his or her own transportation to and from the event. Check with your unit for any transportation plans.

Induction conclave schedule

The induction schedule shown below comes from the “Lodge Public -> Events -> 20xx Program Schedule.pdf” file. To update the file, copy a new version on top of the file. Do not delete it and replace with a new one, or the internal Google file name is lost. This document is also on the page.

Information for new ordeal candidates

As a new Ordeal Candidate, you need only bring a sleeping bag, ground cloth and rain gear for Friday night. If the weekend is scheduled to end on Sunday, a tent is needed for Saturday night. Wear your uniform and bring the personal gear and equipment that you would use on a weekend camp with your unit.  

Be sure to bring a water bottle, work clothes, and work gloves to wear during the service project portion of the weekend. Painting or staining may be part of the service project so bring appropriate work clothes.

Check the schedule above and plan to arrive on Friday during the registration time. Make arrangements to be picked up before the event completion time. Please confirm this time with the event leaders at check-in.

If you have any questions with regard to this material, or the Order of the Arrow in general, please do not hesitate to contact the Adviser listed for the weekend. Click here for contact information.

If you are able to bring rakes, saws and other tools necessary to do service projects, please contact the Adviser. The necessary tools depend on the work planned. Be sure to have all tools you bring marked with your name.

Paperwork - Arrgghh!

The Annual BSA Health and Medical Record, Parts A and B is required for all individuals attending an induction weekend.

Neither Part C, nor a physician’s signature is required.

For youth candidates, make sure a parent or guardian signs the form!

Note that these are the same forms required for our Scout camps and used by many troops, so you can bring a copy of that form if you already have a current one. Here is the link to the BSA form:

 Click here for a BSA Medical Form

Please note that it is the candidate’s responsibility to retrieve his or her medical form upon check-out from the event if he or she wants it returned. Otherwise, all forms not retrieved will be shredded.

Special needs

If you have any special dietary, activity, or medical needs or restrictions be sure to include the required information on the registration form and medical form so that the lodge can adequately and appropriately accommodate your needs. All sensitive medical information will be kept confidential.

From the National BSA Camp Standards:

“All prescription drugs (including those needing refrigeration) are to be kept in locked storage and in compliance with local and state laws. An exception may be made for a limited amount of medication to be carried by a camper, leader, parent, or staff member for life-threatening conditions, including bee-sting or heart medication, and inhalers, or for a limited amount of medication approved for use in a first-aid kit.”

If requested, the lodge will provide the required storage. Any collection of medication will occur at check-in when you turn in your medical form. Please clearly mark containers for medication.

Questions and Answers about the weekend

The text in the FAQ list below is maintained using the Quick and Easy FAQ plugin through the Dashboard. FAQ entries for Ordeal Conclave Candidates are in the OrdealConclave group.

See the documentation at a list of all shortcode options.

c Expand All C Collapse All

Ordeal Induction Weekends

For any medical issues, we always have designated health officers, and emergency contact info should be supplied on the BSA health form (which is required).

OA national rules require candidates to complete their Ordeal within eighteen months (18) of their election. If they are not able to do so, they must again meet the eligibility requirements and be re-elected the next year.

See Membership Requirements on the National OA Web Site.

All of the meals are included in the cost of the Ordeal.  However, after you have completed your Ordeal, there is a Trading Post that will be open.  They have stuff like patches, assorted OA items, Tee Shirts etc.

  • Canteen or water bottle
  • First aid kit
  • Knife *very important!
  • Seasonal work clothes
  • Gloves
  • Sleeping bag
  • Ground cloth
  • Flashlight
  • Toiletries
  • Rain gear
  • Class A uniform
  • Food
  • Radios
  • Phones
  • Video games

NO!  You will not be allowed to participate in the Ordeal if you do not have a medical form that is signed by your parent. Here you can get a medical form.

Yes, however, you won’t need to get your mommy to sign it.

For newly-elected Ordeal candidates, there is plenty of adult supervision. As an Ordeal candidate, you are kept separate in multiple groups (clans) from all other attendees from the time you  arrive on Friday evening until after dinner Saturday evening, so even if someone else from your unit came with, they likely wouldn’t see you for most of that time anyway. After completion of the activities on Saturday evening, you may, depending on the weekend schedule, retire for the evening and come for breakfast on Sunday morning before heading home or, if the weekend is concluding on Saturday, head home them.

When registering, please note your allergies. Our wonderful cook staff will try to accommodate your needs. If necessary, you may supply your own meals. If there are issues, someone will reach out to you.

Yes, you may attend any induction conclave weekend that fits your schedule. However, you must go through your induction weekend within 18 months of being elected.

For more information, see Membership Requirements on the National Order of the Arrow web site.

Included in the cost of the weekend is:

  • Food
  • Ordeal Sash
  • Dues for 1 year
  • Order of the Arrow Handbook
  • Lodge Pocket Flap

Our lodge membership year runs from September 1st to August 31st. Dues are $22 per year. We ask each lodge member to renew their dues on an annual basis. This is done by either attending an Induction Conclave weekend or by paying dues separately. If you have not attended an Induction Conclave weekend, you should use the link below to renew your membership with the Totanhan Nakaha Lodge for the year.

Your dues help the lodge and the Order of the Arrow in the following ways.

A portion of your dues goes to:

  • The National Order of the Arrow Organization to cover their expenses
  • Northern Star Scouting for their annual fundraising campaign
  • The Northern Star Scouting Camping Department to fund camperships for those in need
  • North Star Scouting Museum to help promote Scouting and the Order of the Arrow
  • Scholarships for youth members to attend the OA High Adventure opportunities
  • Scholarships for youth members to attend the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC), typically every 2 years.

The remaining amount helps fund various events throughout the year and cover lodge operating expenses.

If you have other questions about the Order of the Arrow, please see the National, Regional, Sectional, and Council websites (See Helpful Links) for more links to information about the Order of the Arrow.

The National Order of the Arrow site has a good “Letter to the Parents” that explains in general terms what the weekend entails. Click here to see the parent letter.

Also you can contact the lodge, or talk to any current active member of the lodge in the council who you may already know.